Gotta friend who has a Steadman chassis and partial bodywork. Rough but unused. Turns out the guy who designed/built 'em lives here in Stuart.

What's a Steadman? RHD SS100 knockoff from the '70's?. E-type front end and rear drive assembly.

I'm not a British car guy, but I am a car guy and recognize the value of this unit, which was saved from the crusher at the last minute. I believe more NOS parts are available from the designer/builder.

Price: real cheap

Interested? Bill @772-834-6672

Submitted by on Sun, 05/11/2008 - 11:50

Edited on 2008-05-11 11:51:37

Steadman's were an attempt to replicate the SS100, but not a true replica. They were made in Cornwall.

I think you'd be better off posting this in the for sale section.