I'm new to the club and just bought a '73 E-Type OTS. I'm going to go to the Western States Meet, so I'm looking for another single person to share a room at the meet hotel. I'm going to arrive Saturday and leave Wednesday. If interested, please email me at tomwrightatsan.rr.com.

Tom Wright

Submitted by silver007@shaw.ca on Mon, 02/06/2012 - 01:42

HI Tom,
yes a roomie is a good idea, I have one already so I can't help. I shall however be flying in with no car.LOL. I shall be helping out wherever I am needed for the event, my main duty will probably be as a judge, and also helping set up / run the slalom event. If I can be of any assistance to you in this arena please meet up with me there.
Bset Wishes, Art Dickenson, Pres. Pacific Jaguar.. BC..