We are now the owners of 1956 Jaguar 2.4 Litre saloon #S940061. We have some records from the likes of Dedham Classic Auto and The Jaguar Works, Ltd., of Jamaica Plain, when then-owner Ed Younis, Jr., who obtained the car in '77 from Charles Dickerman of Watertown, had a major restoration done. With the restoration apparently completed, with a paint job in what looks like Golden Sand Metallic (best guess), we were wondering if he went on to enter any Concours in the area back then, and further, if there is anyone or any club that may have recollections or records of the car from back then. It may have appeared under its MA State registration #H001696 (the body number). We think there is a strong possibility that this is the oldest LHD '56 (matching #'s) still on the road, worldwide. If you know of any older, we'd like to hear about it. Likewise, if you somehow know it is the oldest, definitely let us know.
Currently the car is running and driving well, aspirating delicious Pacific Ocean fog while regularly rolling up and down Hwy 1 on the coast. Saloondata.com and Jaguarexperience.com have some info and pics for those interested or curious. The 30 year old restoration is showing its age. Nevertheless, it has been accepted for judging at the upcoming 2013 Palo Alto Concours. There doesn't appear to be a Champion/Driven Divisions distinction there. The low score we fully anticipate will be a realistic baseline, from which we should only get better.
Thanks in advance to Jaguar-chaeologists (Raiders of the Lost (M)Ark?)who provide any pertinent information or guidance.
Smile at your growlers, all.
Steve and Mary Thornton
Members of Jaguar Associates Group, SF