I too, hear you Garfield. But as you have noted, it may take a bit of time for answers to come. That's not always a sign of lack of interest or neglect. Even though George and I are in the business, doesn't mean when we see a question, that we have the answer immediately. Sometimes we have to ponder, recollect or refer to technical information to be sure we have it right. As I tell guys I've helped train over the years, the trick isn't having all the answers, it's knowing where to get them. Plus, we want to be sure when we say something, it's ACCURATE. That is the trouble with Forums and the internet in general, lots of answers out there, not all of them accurate.

In my younger days I used to pride myself on the quick answer thing............ then I learned, sometimes you miss or overlook something and give an inaccurate response. That broke me! Never again.

On top of that, these are pretty much a volunteer kind of thing, so we have to remember that as well. If something is pressing, call the tech line. George knows he can contact me if needed, and has in the past.

You've many times been a source of good information yourself, so keep up the good work!
