Thank you for your input to this issue. You make some excellent points and I'm glad to hear that a new site is in the works--we need it.
As to having people in ones club being well trained and knowledgeable people, that I'm sure works well with-in a clubs circle . People like myself who are separated from their chosen club by hundreds of miles, this forum and others are the only simple means of contact. Steve Petry is a valued contact for me as he is for others. Although he has provided many answers I have passed his way, I try not to bother him too much because of his position, he's a very busy man. He is however, the one who most often answers tech questions for who ever post their concerns. Do others with the knowledge offer help? Some yes, others may not want to get involved. We'll never answer that question.
I'm sure it was a typeo, but I had to laugh when you said "you must know the answer to your question". Seems like I heard some dunce say something like that before---"You must pass the bill before you read it to know what it says". --------just a comment, not a correction------- ;-)
Anyway, thanks for your comments and I'll hold future comments about this knowing a new site is in the works.