Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 07/07/2001 - 18:00

Since I was about 13, I have always wanted a Jaguar. I waited and waited. Had my kids with my lovely wife and waited. Started looking for a Jag for an early spring buy. As with most things in life, nothing is truly planned--happenstance is a dangerous thing. I told a friend of my intention and he proceeded to tell me, "What's your favorite color?" I responded "British Racing Green". Then he says--I have a car for you. At this point, I simply figured--ya, OK-- Saw it, drove it, purchased it. A 1986 XJ6 that never saw rain (unless caught in a storm) and absolutely did not see winter roads. His mom's car---she's buying a new Jag! Unreal. Now it sits in my garage for our sunny days. I've heard horror stories about the Lucas electrical but, quite frankly, it matters not. If it breaks, I will fix it. This car will always be my first Jaguar-I simply love it and cannot believe how much it grows on you. Will be investigating my local club soon. Thanks. e-3