Edited on 2008-02-16 12:53:09

My windshield wiper has for years only been working on one setting (very fast, but though, it moves only in the speed of the setting fast) and also without park. Since I'm working on solving all the car's electrical problems, I would very much like to solve this one.

I highly suspect the switch and not the motor, but would be glad if someone have an idea of what could be wrong. And also could anyone tell me where the wiper relay is on a 1983 V12 (even if it is not the relay that is causing the problem). Thanks for any help.

83 XJS V12

Submitted by birute@get2net.dk on Mon, 02/18/2008 - 05:05

The windshield wiper is now working. In case someone have the same problem, the cause of the problem was ths:

After removing the wiper motor and the plastic cover that protects the motor from rain exposing the wire connections, there was a wire loose (a pink wire). When reattatched it worked flawllessly. So it is worth it to check the wire connections in there if/when the wiper motor starts to behave strangely.

The connections are located in a bad area where it is easy to knock them some loose just by holding on to the motor with your hand when working in the area.

83 XJS V12