Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 01/16/2002 - 17:00

A member of our club (Houston) contacted me and asked if I knew of a place where one could chat about Jaguar parts, fixes, paint...anything. I sent him to the Jag Lovers site, that being the only large and comprehensive site that I knew of for general discussion and information. I did mention JCNA site to him, but that it was for JCNA "issues and politics", and not about the cars themselves. Why can't their be a technical forum like this forum? When I go the "technical" forum, I have to choose a particular club's site and explore....what good is that? Or I'm missing something?

I would dare speculate that the JCNA site would be much more active if there was something here for the everyday owner who is trying to find a part, fix, or has an originality issue. I was going to just send this to Tom, but thought I'd send up a balloon to the rest of you.


Patrick McLoad

JC Houston