Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 02/27/2002 - 17:00

... that button that you could click to learn the demographics of the posters to the Forum? The one that would tell who was posting and how many times they had posted?

I went to check that earlier to give an answer to Daniel, who had goaded me to "get involved" with the Forum. As I remember, once I learned about this place I quickly became one of the most active contributors! Is the record of my involvement now lost?

I did go check all the Fora (Forae?) and was happy to see that the Tech Forum is really jumping! Seems like the action is in Tech; Issues has become a sad little JCNACC backwater!

The good news, though, is: there seems to be new life in the JCNA, at least on the website! Well done, you guys; I'm just happy to be following along in youyr airstream.


Submitted by dhawley2@earth… on Sun, 03/03/2002 - 00:00

I agree and if you look at the picture I uploaded in the discussion forum, taken by Ginger yesterday, it says it all !


Allow me to say that the website is only the beginning, there

: is new life throughout JCNA and we will REALLY start to see a

: difference after the meeting in Kansas City this month. Hang on for

: the ride because this club is going to get a lot more fun and you're

: going to want to be a part of it!