John, yes, I know that absorbing water is an issue with my first post !

My position is that E10 might be a problem for some people in some circumstances. I believe that's evident in my first post. That's why I advised the OP to go ahead with the treatment. That isn't a strong enough position for some people, though. Whenever this topic comes up the usual we've seen here today.... is that anyone not jumping onto the 'blame-E10-no-matter-what' bandwagon must be some sort of "E10 denier"...or EPA apologist...or whatever.


My father was a pilot and I serviced his cars for many many years. I am familiar with their quirks and sensitivities :-). . Heh heh, speaking of pilots and fuel, he was forever wasting his money on 93 octane fuel when his car required only 87. There was absolutely nothing I could do to convince him otherwise!

I surely miss him.
