Politics has certainly clouded the issue, as evidenced by the above postings. When so-called 'journalists' on TV/radio are ballyhooing about E10 (or anything else) then the truth often gets muddied. As it stands I'm pretty darn sure that E10 gets falsely blamed for many problems. It's the popular whipping post these days. I understand that, and take it into consideration. Excuuuusse me, though, if I offer experiences and opinions that don't follow the usual script that so many feel obligated to endlessly repeat.

Heck, I can remember when dried out carb gaskets, rotten fuel hoses, and water in gas tanks was just something that happened with age and/or varying storage conditions. Nowadays it's popular to blame E10 for the very same problems. I have to wonder how often it is falsely blamed....but, in this crowd, I sense that I'm the only one wondering :-). If your fuel hose dries out and crumbles away, how are you guys determining, for a fact, that E10 is the cause? What sort of testing or analysis is being done? Same for your carb gaskets, etc. I can remember replacing dried out carb gaskets in 1974...Autoshop 101 at Santa Monica High School...my first carb overhaul! :-).

Anyhow, I have nothing to gain by reporting that I have no issues with E10 fuel and I certainly have no reason to lie, nor do I have a political axe to grind....despite the gratuitous summary judgment from my fellow JCNA member, above, as to my political affiliations and loyalties.

True, though, that I refuse to buy into and endlessly repeat the overblown hype that so often dominates the conversation where E10 is summarily blamed for everything from a leaky fuel hose to your wife getting pregnant. Somebody has to present the other side so it might as well be me, I reckon. Since I have no problems with E10...or at least no problems that I can attribute to E10 with any degree of certainty... I feel it would be dishonest to report otherwise.

Oh, FWIW, my small engine equipment runs on E10 (as that's all we have in Washington) and I have zero problems each spring when I am ready to use it again. Just another example of why I am reluctant to blame E10 for all the woes of the world. But, hey, we all form opinions based at least partially on personal experience.

Cheers to all, regardless of political affiliation !