Edited on 2009-02-23 8:13:34

after I placed an ad in PARTS FOR SALE, I continually received scam responses to it.

these scammers are, to say the least, idiots, as if one could not tell the difference between a legit inquiry and idiotic questions such as:

"what is the price?" (the price is clearly shown in the ad),
"what is your LAST offer?" (my LAST offer?),
"I will send my reputable AGENT to pick them up" (I'm sure you will son).
"please provide your full name, address, etc." (right!).
"I will pay by certified check" (aha!, obviously these scammers have not heard of PAYPAL).

And the giveaway: an e-mail address at YAHOO or YAHOO.UK
(please note they are now moving to G-MAIL and HOTMAIL).

Ignore these jerks. You will know a real buyer when you see it.