Reading the editorial on sanctioning conflicts in the current Journal, I think we need to remind everyone that prior to requesting sanction, they should double check on the online calendar which is up to date.

Because of press time, mailing, and the fact that the JJ is bi mensual, the calendar published there can not be as up to date as teh site's

Also, the online calendar allows clubs to add their own event even BEFORE sanction is approved. In case of an event to be sanctioned, they will be marked "sanction Pending" until sanction is approved by Dick Howe.

No more of 2 clubs requesting the same date without knowing... I you look at the online calendar and sees another club in your region has already requested a date, it's easier to pick another one instead of wasting time requesting that same date.

Moreover, once you fill out the form to add your event to the online calendar you can generate the official sanction request and fax it or email it directly to Dick Howe.

it doesn't get easier than that !
