Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 12/07/2001 - 17:00


This forum was opened with the intent to allow members to discuss issues relating to JCNA life. Like any organization, there are areas that would benefit from revision or updating. This forum is one method of several to discuss how to improve JCNA. It is also here to help clarify any aspect of JCNA that may not be clear.

This forum is not for registering complaints.

If one has a complaint about anything dealing with JCNA, start with your club first, then your regional director. There may be an appropriate chair to contact depending on the nature of a complaint.

Anyone can be a critic - but not here.

There is no such thing as perfection in terms of any organization. There is no single perfect way to do anything. Criticism of anything within this organization is easy as it is with any organization. Criticism without remedy is pointless and even the most inept can be a critic without offering and remedy. If a post is made critical of some aspect of JCNA, it must have a remedy for how to improve it.

Provocation doesn't win favorable replies.

Some may post in a style that reads like a challenge or dare to the organization to reply. This puts everyone else on the defensive and not reply, or reply in a manner that is more personal than addressing of issues. Don't be challenging. Don't post sarcasm or anger. If one wants open dialog, they must make their post equally open. Better replies will be made and better information will be exchanged.

I read every message posted. Sometimes messages are deleted for a variety of reasons. I reserve the right to remove any message or thread as stated in the forum rules. I have exercised this right many times since the opening of this forum. However, part of my goal of this forum of discussing JCNA issues in a non-confrontational manner is not being fully realized. Because of this, I'm posting this message as a draft of how I want to run this forum in the future.

I realize that this forum can stand improvement and reflect positively on JCNA and I'm asking for an open dialog to do just that.

Tom Kopke
