Regional Director elections are upon us. Listed on the JCNA website under "News", are those candidates running for terms beginning in 2003. Of the six regions, one has fielded no candidate, three regions are uncontested, and two have two candidates running.

Next year, I will try to post a very obvious notification here on the site reminding JCNA members of the upcoming election, as I feel that lack of publicity on this issue may be the cause of the low number of candidates. It's hard to raise voter interest when positions are uncontested, or the same warmed over candidates are running. ( me, for instance!) Does anyone see how term limits has helped this situation?

I've stated in past Journals that these folks deserve a vote of confidence at the very least, for their willingness to expend their time and money to run our organization. Lord knows, they get little else!

We're currently looking for a good candidate to represent the Southeast Region of the JCNA. Don't be afraid to email or telephone me or Brock of your willingness to run. If you think of a suitable candidate, YOU call him/her and encourage their participation. You/they can notify Brock McPherson of their willingness to serve. Hopefully this can be accomplished within the next week, to have any chance of a listing in the Sept/Oct. issue of the Journal!

Don't get the idea that I'm down on the Director situation, as we've added several new folks recently, who show great promise. However, I want YOU to name the new S.E. Regional Director, and NOT ME, as I've done in the past.

I'm hoping that this posting will MOTIVATE you S.E. folks into taking action!

C'mon guys and gals! Find the JCNA BOD a new S.E.Regional Director!!!

Gary Hagopian, JCNA President