Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 11/11/2001 - 17:00

It's been a good while since I suggested that we publicize the Regional Director elections on the JCNA website. The JCNA President endorsed the idea but the "go ahead" never came. SO - at the risk of being criticized for discussing JCNA issues on the JCNA Issues Forum, here goes...

First, the offer - I will be willing to put together an "issues" website similar to the one I've put together myself for ANY candidate running for a Regional Director position in any contested race. That means the NE Region and the NW Region - just tell me where you stand and give the OK for the pages before it goes public. Other regions have unopposed incumbents but I'll even do a site for anyone running unopposed. Contact my email so we can get going.

Second, my OWN shameless plug:

Campaign for JCNA Northwest Regional Director - Steve Averill Statement

I hope you've read my candidate statement in the Sept/Oct Jaguar Journal. I hope that, upon reading it, you put the mailing label on it, voted for me or my opponent, and mailed the thing off. If you did this, read no further. If you HAVEN'T, read on.

Last year, less than 10% of JCNA members voted for Regional Director. Why? Well, obviously motives vary, but I think it's because most don't feel that it makes a difference. I don't agree and here's why:

JCNA snags $17 of your dues each year. About 2/3 of that goes to the Jaguar Journal. At national JCNA meetings, there is increasing talk about raising the JCNA "take." Perhaps we'll be told what added value we receive. Perhaps not.

Don't like the way concours is oriented toward "North American" Championships that our club members never win? Well, that direction is set by JCNA.

Can't figure out what the concours rules actually are? Do the concours rules not make sense to you? Well, that direction is also set by JCNA.

Can't figure out what JCNA directors do after they're elected? Well, there's nothing in the JCNA bylaws that prevents the JCNA BoD from telling us. Besides, SOME of the directors aren't even elected! That is how JCNA operates today. Bad as you think it may be, you'll be surprised to find that our own NW region gets the word out far better than any other.

If you've noticed an increase in our own JDRC/NWA events from which to choose, I'm glad because I've worked hard to make that happen. I've worked hard to promote ALL clubs in the region and a wide variety of different Jaguar events. I will also work hard if elected as a NW Regional Director. As I stated in my Jaguar Journal candidate statement, I plan two emphases. The first will be to get the word out to members, making it easier to get full value from dues paid by the members. The second will be to make it easier for clubs, and particularly those in the Northwest, to offer better Jaguar-related programs.

The BALLOT MUST BE RECEIVED BY JCNA BEFORE JANUARY 15th, so time is running out fast. MAKE a difference!

Any response from my worthy opponent, Art Dickenson??????

I welcome discussion or debate on any of the issues. Let's just try to KEEP it to the issues, eh?