After much going around in circles. I finally got the car to start. I wanted to provide an answer as to what it was as well as provide a plug for the Jaguar club technical support line. The membership in the club was well worth it. The tech person was exceptional and knew what the problem was before even completing the sentence. Again many thanks and should have could have done this much sooner.

The problem was at the points post in the distributor. The previous owner of the distributor (I bought a used one to replace worn one I had. The points were already installed so I put it in the engine and set the timing and it was good to go for about year. The points were still in good shape when the lack of spark began.

The input wire and the condenser wire were not isolated so the distributor was always grounded, this prevented the coil to build the charge to spark. There was always continuity at the points closed or open.

The plastic top hat was not unplugged at the points post before the wires were installed, they were simply added overtop of the top hat and bolted down. This worked for a while by luck but eventually the condenser wire and the input wire touched the points post and grounded everything.

I replaced the points, open the top hat, installed the oval connectors correctly, pressed down the top hat and secured everything with the bolt.

I checked for grounding and holy cow, when the points were open, no ground, when closed, they were grounded.

Replaced the distributor cap. turn the key and it started immediately.

What an ordeal for something this simple. the main issue I didn't install the points so really didn't know how they were supposed to go in.

Hope this helps others, and make sure you join the club and use the tech line!!!