Edited on 2011-01-15 15:23:36

Edited on 2011-01-15 15:20:41

I recently aquired a 1969 2+2. The car had been in storage for several years, and had not run. The prevoius owner had intended to restore it to concours condition After removing the engine and front suspension the owner found it to be too large a project, and sold it.
Upon close inspection the car was found to be in remarkably good condition possibly due to many years of storage, although some corrosion was discovered in the body panel seams at the bottom of the car. Accordingly I decided to do a complete rotissery body restoration, which is now well underway. New body panels were purchased including, outer sills, boot floor, lower quater panels and rear wheel arches.
The new lower quater panels came with odd angular cutouts and tabs where they join to the wheel arch panel, I cannot find any reference to thr purpose of these tabs.
Has anyone any sugesstions