Edited on 2012-01-17 19:14:59

JCNA has yet another new offering. It is discussed in the shoppe forum but for speed here please know it is a faithful copy of the IPL (Interim Parts List) and service instructions for the FIRST E-Types. Published in the good old USA by Jaguar Cars INC. It is dated April 1 1961. As the E type was only introduced to the world in March 1961 this covers the very first cars. I suggest in the shoppe that this covers perhaps the first 100 cars or so but I have been contacted by an early E expert who suggests it covers far less. There are no vin breaks so any changes in production had not happened. Further I suggest this is RARE and he ups the ante in that he had only heard of it and had never seen or found one. Well JCNA has one for everyone--Enjoy! JCNA Publications.