My 83 year old Mom remembers watching a movie with our Dad who died ~25 years ago. We grew up with a '59 MK IX and remember how much Dad loved his Big Cat (we also sailed our British Cougar 18' catamaran.)
She'd love to get ahold of a copy of this movie so that we can all watch it in memory of Dad. Some of this info may not be correct, but this is how she remembers it:
This dramatic film chronicles a real sports car race from Paris, through Brighton to Hyde Park. One of the racers is very unlucky with women. Many (or all of the cars) are Jags.
Any assistance in locating information about this film or where to purchase it would be very appreciated.
Thanks, Al Shaver

Submitted by on Mon, 12/27/2010 - 10:08

Was there a Mark IX in the movie?

The plot vaguely reminds me of two films...Genevieve, which involves the Paris Brighton race (but the cars are all Edwardian), and The Green Helmet, which covers a series of races in England and the continent. The Green Helmet has a maudlin back story about a racer and a girl, but I don't recall the details. The "star car" was a Trojero Jaguar

The plot is also similar to the original 1954 version of The Fast and The Furious, but that was set around a transborder race between San Diego and Mexico. Star car was a an XK140

Submitted by on Mon, 12/27/2010 - 00:08

Hello Al
I'm pretty sure I can help you locate the movie by pointing you in the right direction. Just follow the link below. With patience, perseverance and time you should be able to find it. Good luck.

Submitted by on Sun, 12/26/2010 - 23:43

Hi Al,
you sound like you were pretty lucky growing up with a couple of big cats for sure........... I am sorry I cannot help directly...... However Mike Cook @ JCNA Archives may be on the ball more than most.. not sure if I know of anyone with more Historic knowledge than him.
Best wishes to your Mom..............
Merry Christmas. Art