George Camp - thanks...I'm starting to feel that way too.

George R. Parker - re "doesn't seem to be huge support for Evans". When we communicated in another thread I really appreciated your opinion and have seen other folks using Evans and even ordered some and was getting ready to go with it, but as I continued to review forums and postings, there were plenty of folks that weren't very familiar with it or were simply "old school" and believed we should stick to the original recommended fluids. I still think Evans is probably a good product, but I've got enough unsureness in my mind that I'm just shelving the idea at least for now. I'm going to go old school and try to learn a little more. If I want to go waterless in another year or two but take good care I don't think it will hurt in the meantime.

Potter and Limongelli - thanks a ton for your info!!!

Peter - not trying to convert the heard, just want to learn from them :) Yeah Evans isn't cheep but I'm generally willing to spend a little more when I can on anything that will keep things in great shape. (I believe they dispute the flammable point and also counter it by noting it is less toxic).

All - I appreciate they helpful info. I'm a beginner and have been learning a ton. Replaced the brake master cylinder yesterday (with help from my father-in-law) and look forward to really learning how to take care of my 69 FHC.