I am rebuilding a circa. 1962 3.8 liter MkII engine (LB 9121-9) for my XK150. It's been sleeved and bored .010" over, but I have as yet not been able to find a source of piston rings for my .010"-over pistons (Brico, domed), .010 oversize no longer made. I'd prefer chromed, but would consider anything. The next step is to go to the piston ring sources, but I am hoping someone's got some rings squirreled away on some dusty shelf that would work for me. Please email me @ crefuzzataol.com if you do, or have other suggestions.

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Wed, 04/30/2008 - 17:43

You will most likely have to go to +.20 as +.10 are difficult in 3.4 or 3.8. More is your 150 an "S"? If so you will need special pistons for the operation of the valves (many old tech. bulletins on this. Bigger question is why was it sleeved then bored? Rule of thumb for a good machine shop is they do not bore till they can match pistons. Rings should be easy as they can be made easily by many companies! Good luck!