IÔÇÖd like some clarification on the new changes to the pin stripe rule. The book says 0.5 points per panel. Is that a mistype that should be 0.5 points per side? Or are we really taking 0.5 points off for each panel on a car. Meaning an XJS would then receive 1.5 points off per side for a total of 3 points and an XJ6 would receive 2.0 a side for a total of 4 points? This is a pretty hefty penalty for either class but a bit galling knowing that, in what was the driven class, we can put in the newest non Jaguar radio available with flashing lights and a pop up navigation screen and get a pass.

Perhaps the person who was so adamant on pushing this rule at the 2006 AGM in Houston could help clarify this rules change. As I recall he said he could remove anyoneÔÇÖs pin stripes in 30 minutes. IÔÇÖd like to see that. Mine are painted on.
In any case this will be a major determination on my Concours participation this yeas as well a s several other people who I have spoken.

