
I feel great about the fact that not only are there folks out there reading the Forum, but also my editorials in the Jaguar Journal.

There was considerable response to my post asking for suggestions as to ways of attracting and keeping members who are basically new car people. Some very good suggestions were advanced, which hopefully can be acted upon.

I'm also greatly heartened at the number of members who are interested in pursuing the High Performance Driver Education aspects of Jaguar ownership, as I believe that the two issues, performance driving and member retention, go hand-in-hand. I run "HPDE" events in my '62 E-type, with several enthusiast groups, most of whom don't require membership. By identifying a JCNA member in each region who'll be willing to be the focal point for the folks wishing to try HPDE events, we may be able to establish a trend, and enjoy the performance aspects of our Jags, like the Empire Div. Jag. Club who has been doing it for 30 years! Here on this forum, you can get a feel for the enthusiasm of some of our members. This is an issue that we'll be discussing at the JCNA Fall BOD meeting in Tulsa. I would hope that we Directors can reach a consensus, and appoint a Director to act as the JCNA's HPDE coordinator, like the Rally or Slalom chairs.

Let your Regional Directors hear from you on this issue!!! I'll report back in late September.

Gary Hagopian, JCNA President