
You you have ask the $64.00 question, Why doesn't the membership particpate in more club, regional and national events ???

If there were greater particpation, there would no movement to consolidate classes, there might even a need to divide or expand some classes.

I know the answer, greater membership particpation, what I do not know is how to get the membership to become active and particpate.

As with almost every organization there is a very small core of active "go geters" and very large group of those that just sit in their easy chairs, read the the club publication and complain. The next time you here someone complain, ask them when was the last event they particpated in, or that they served on their clubs board or were a JCNA volunteer.

My personial opinion is, "if you do not particpate, you have no cause to complain".

Daimler Don

Submitted by arsenaultd@ear… on Sat, 02/14/2004 - 00:15

I have come to believe that it is a reflection of how agressive and energetic your club is.

Im new to my own club, and I have been pretty busy the last year, being able to attend only a few events, but I am aiming to be more active within the club in 2004, so I havent all the answers as to why attendance is so anemic and also why in an area like Los Angeles with 20 million to draw upon and tens of thousands of Jaguars we can muster only 400 members, and then only 40 or so at a Concours.

I am going to be working on that!

Daniel Arsenault
Lakewood, CA
1994 XJ12 Morocco Red