Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 05/31/2018 - 23:02

I was wondering if anyone has a modern paint code other than what is shown in the forums like Jag Lovers ad XKE Data.
I've shown the codes to several body shop suppliers who have various cross reference charts but none of them can find a match for the numbers I have.
RM #-7427
Dupont 8318L
PPG 223461997 or Ditzler 223461997
Daimler- Golden Sand Poly-PPG/DITZLER PAINTS- 22346
Golden Sand-Dupont Lacquer 8318L
Those are the only numbers I have been able to find.
The car is a 63 coupe, had been painted Opalescent Dark Green in the 70's but I want to match the heritage certificate after I saw just how classy the golden sand actually looks, even canceled my interior to match what the certificate has which is Tan, had ordered Beige/light Tan to go with doing the car Green. Luckily was not too late but I am getting very close to paint and am a little concerned using late model jaguars colors that show up in catalogues for mixing paint as golden tan and look quite close.

I have stripped the car to bare metal and before I did the only locations that had the original color were in the rear by the fuel tank, inner fenders, inside doors and similar places where the paint was not really suitable to try to match with paint cards, tried but without the opalescent shine and depth and with the difficulty trying to get proper light in those areas it was pointless.
Anyone have new information or has a number from actually matching the older codes?
