Hey Guys,
This is my 1st post.
I am in C08 National Competition.
My main competitor has gone to the Judges at every show and protested his non-authentic deductions for an altenator and air-conditioning, with a rotary compressor, on their mid-50's Jaguar sedan. He has had his score raised for 2 of the 3 shows by claiming the AC is a "Non-Judgable Item" because it is NOT on the score sheet to be judged. I keep watching his score change on the Rankings Page.

Who should I contact about what appears to be "Convenient Rule Bending"?

The head judges appear to be reluctant to let the decision go to the National protest Committee.
What can I do?

Richard Wright
37 years of Jaguars

Submitted by jnbaker@netwalk.com on Wed, 11/10/2004 - 21:53

I would go straight to the protest committee at JCNA. Just because it is not on the judging sheet for a 50's MK does not mean it is a non-judgeable item. It is still non-authentis for the car. There were no altnenators or rotary ac for the year. Abviously and add an an non- authentic. It may not be listed on the judging sheet but can be deducted under non-authentic and should be. Good Luck

Submitted by arsenaultd@ear… on Mon, 11/08/2004 - 23:54

I think you should contact your regional director and ask them to look into it. One of the flaws in the protest system is that you cannot protest general judging errors unless they pertain solely to your vehicle. I can understand why this happens, it opens a can of worms and a heap of protests to allow otherwise.

Good luck with your situation.

Daniel Arsenault
Lakewood, CA
1994 XJ12 Morocco Red