My 1997 XJ6 has just developed a nast "rachetty" noise when I remove the key and the steering wheel reaches the high point. The noise eminates from the tilt mechanism. It does the same when I try to tilt the wheel down before the wheel starts to tilt. It seems like the tilt mechanism does not want to stop/start when it reached the top most position.

Anyone else experienced this? Does anyone have an idea of what may be going on? If so, what would be involved in fixing the problem?

Ken Law-Davis

1997 XJ6

Submitted by on Thu, 03/30/2006 - 13:58


I bought my motor and cable on Ebay from the UK for $160. I did a search for X300 Jaguar parts. Dealers want upwards of $350 for the motor.

Good luck...

Greg D.

1995 Jaguar XJ6 - Kingfisher Blue

Submitted by on Wed, 03/29/2006 - 14:53


My 1995 reach motor cable just gave up. It made a similar sound prior to breaking. The cable is similar to a speedometer cable. It gets old and the woven wires begin to snap.

Unfortunately, this cable is not available to purchase separately. You need to purchase the entire motor. There are some people that have made their own fixes for this and maybe someone else can chime in and tell you what they did.

I replaced the whole motor on mine.

Good luck.

Greg D.

1995 Jaguar XJ6 - Kingfisher Blue