I was just scanning the new judging sheets and i noticed that it would seem that if you take the time to total all the deductions that can be made for an entrant they come to more than the base score they start with. This does not include possible deductions that can be additionally made for non-authentic items. So presumably an entrant could actually end up with a negative score if their car was that bad. Was this intended or did somebodyÆs battery run out on his or her calculator when these sheets were being calculated.

92 V-12 VDP Black Cherry
87 V-12 VDP Grey
86 XJ6 Sovereign
85 XJ6/VDP

Submitted by cleavefamily@c… on Tue, 02/15/2005 - 00:43

Thanks for your totals. I've worked all day and I'm tired. I found my error and yours. The score sheets do add up to 1000 as I thought. On the Engine sheet I erroniously got 36 points for the exhaust (5x6 = 30 not 36 as I previously totalled to get 1006.

You are adding the the 25 points for the Top, Side Curtains, Tonneua, & Boot Cover (which states "OTS/DHS Only No Salloons" to your total for sheet #2. The difference in the totals on the left hand side where there are two columns for maximum deductions, one for DHC/OTS and one for SAL & FHC is 25 points. This is a common mistake and results in an additinal 25 points when adding the left hand side SAL/FHC deductions.

I have gone all the way back to 1997 and the maximum point deductions are exactly the same, except for the Operation Verification section which now totals 70 points as did the original 1979 version albeit then called "Mechanical (functional)".

Again thanks for your concern.

Stew Cleave
JOCO Chief Judge
\'69 E-Type 2+2 and other LBC\'s

Submitted by cleavefamily@c… on Mon, 02/14/2005 - 23:08

Except for the changes in the operation verification box, all maximum deductions are the same as previous maximum deductions. You should get the following totals:
Sheet 1 Operation Verification - 70
Sheet 2 Exterior - 283 for DHC/OTS and SAL/FHC mind the "DHC/OTS only" in for the Side Curtain, Tonneau, & Boot Cover box, which equal 25 point.
Sheet 3 Interior/Boot - 387
Sheet 4 Engine - 266
Total = 1006 , but it should equal 1000 so I will look into the totals from very old score sheets (pre edition 7) to see where the extra 6 points came about.
Note that when the windscreen wipers were dropped, the 10 points were never transferred anywhere - the new operation verification corrects that.
Thanks for your concern.

Stew Cleave
JOCO Chief Judge
'69 E-Type 2+2 and other LBC's