Long weekend Lance so if I am still a bit foggy please excuse me. First of all the question was discussed several times in the BOD meeting and at the AGM. Kim McCullough was the guest speaker and was engaged on the issue in a very polite way of course. While there is no hard answer to give I think that since no one said NO it bodes well for a positive answer. Our JLR representative as well as the JCNA contact to JLR are hyper sensitive to the desire for a response. Having said what little I have, I would encourage you to keep in touch with your dealer. What you are looking for is a sales bulletin that will be coded as JSOB 15-XXX which mentions JCNA as one of the very few organizations that benefit from the incentive. I know time is short to the EOM. Do remember there is still a standing discount to JCNA that has been in place for years.