Hello all,

Just took delivery of my first jag (bought in on Ebay)... 1995 XJ6 (90k miles). No manuals :-(

Wanted to find out of there's any known issues I should be looking out for on this model?

Found a few minor items that will need repair (mostly in the interior - don't think the car had been 'babied') ...

The passenger side mirror assemble is loose (wobbles a little) ... not broken, just loose - anybody know how to tighten?
Cupholders in the center console are broken - anybody know where to get replacements?
Headlamp switch is broken (lights work, just broken switch)

Drives nice, and everything seems to work OK - I'm just looking out for advice on known problems.

Looking forward to exchanging information as my experience with the car grows.



Submitted by jam@ispwest.com on Fri, 05/07/2004 - 13:26

Hello! J.A.M. here. David is entitled to his opinion but the reason I answered Dennis' question about window tinting is because I have a
similar car and ran into the same question 12 years ago, so I'm qualified to answer it from personal taste and experience; Whether
someone else agrees with me or not, well, different colors were made for different people's tastes. I don't expect anyone to agree with
my opinions. Cars are an expression of Personal Taste. I like Window Tinting and that's that. But I am not familiar with 1994 or younger
XJ so unless I can offer a suggestion (like check the Fuse), I don't answer because I don't feel qualified. About this site being useless
I disagree, this is the only site that allows posting images with any reply, no other site allows that. That makes this site unique. Whether
anyone answers your question, that's up to them although I will agree there's not many visitors here and that may be the reason for lack
of replies. I always recommend every do-it-yourselfer buys a Service Manual for their car, and if that doesn't help, then ask questions.
There are other sites and I am guilty of telling people here to register at Jag-Lovers (www.jag-lovers.com) because they have a searchable
Archive and there's lots of information in them about every year and model Jaguar. But if you think this JCNA Forum is useless, the Jag-
Lovers XJ Forum re-defines the definition of "useless": it has been 'taken over' by a small group of so-called "experts" (experts who don't
even work on their own cars!) who attack even the most respected Jaguar Technicians in the US who may offer an answer or opinion there.
It has also turned in a forum of personal attacks towards members who are in the USA. (those attacks are mostly started by Canadians,
and the evidence is there at Jag-Lovers' Archives). Since Jag-Lovers is based in Sweden, that small group thinks they 'own' the Forum
and get away with it with the Moderator's blessing!. I abandoned the Jag-Lovers XJ Forum because it has become a hostile and arrogant
place. Personally, I prefer the company of Americans, Australians, and Brits when it comes to talking Jaguar. If I need to talk about Africa,
I'll get in touch with an African. Such was the case with a great Jaguar Technician who frequented the Jag-Lovers XJ Forum, Phil Prince;
Phil quit the Jag-Lovers XJ Forum because of those personal attacks which have nothing to do with Jaguar-talk and troubleshooting cars.
So if you need to get qualified help, I will recommend two other forums in which you can ask questions from Phil: http://www.thejagboard.com
and http://www.motorcarsltd.com You'll need to register and become a member of each Forum. But those are better environments than
the XJ Forum at Jag-Lovers. I retire any recommendation I have made about Jag-Lovers XJ Forum in THIS Forum, although you can still
register there and search the archives without having contact with any anti-American member who thinks they own the place.

Submitted by pascal@jcna.com on Fri, 05/07/2004 - 09:04


I don't know where you read that you are entitled to a response... club members will drop by and reply to questions when they have answers...

in most cases, when it comes to modern Jaguars, since they are for teh most part dealer maintained and often under warranty, you will not get the kind of response you would get on a classic...

you got me curious and I searched for your posts,
you did get some replies on your first few posts last year...
I guess nobody replied to your seat frame question because it's a rather unuasual situation.... and if noone knows of a good shop in your area... well...

if you feel the site is "more useless each day".... it's not like you paid a lot of money for the lousy service :-) I also doubt your comments will encourage members to reply to your questions...

Pascal Gademer
JCNA webmaster

Submitted by dougdwyer@eart… on Fri, 05/07/2004 - 01:33

David, try posting your questions again. Many users just drop by here every few days....it'd be easy to miss some of the postings. Or perhaps no one knew the answers to your questions ? Speaking for myself, I usually won't offer a reply unless I'm (at minimum) fairly sure that I'm passing along accurate info.

Doug Dwyer

Submitted by bboullosa@satx… on Fri, 05/07/2004 - 01:08

Murray, you are not crazy by any means! Be a proud owner of a finely crafted motorcar, unlike any other. Just look around you at a stop light, and you will know what I mean.

Jag's use of "Nikasil" (pre 2000 model year)on their engines should be the main concern for your Jag (other than normal routine maintanance). I suggest you research this issue on-line for more info.

On a side note, I disagree with J.A.M. This site seems to be more useless each day. Responses to window tint concerns are addressed while real mechanical questions, and complex and costly repair questions go unanswered. I have posted numerous questions regarding my my cat and I have received few responses after I criticized a non-dealer Jag repair facility (which I did not name). I will stick around a little bit longer to see if things improve, otherwise, I'll pull the plug. We all get enough junk mail (electronic or otherwise).

Submitted by jam@ispwest.com on Sat, 02/14/2004 - 20:48

No no no, crazy would be someone who buys a Peugot. since nobody has answered your request, don't assume that this site is unfriendly, there are very experienced Jaguar people who frequent this forum. I can't be of help because yours is a newer model and I have zero experience with the 1995, I'm involved with the Series 3 XJ-6 (1979.5 thru 1987 US version). Try http://www.jag-lovers.org where there is lots of info on all models up to the present, and join them to get full access. If your door mirror has no visible screws to tighten, most likely it will need to be done from inside the door and that means removing the door's upholstery panel first, (careful not to break anything). But I would check jag-lovers first; at the HOME page go to: SEARCH ARCHIVES, then select "XJ" in the "where to look" box, then type "1995 XJ door mirror" (or whatever you want to search, maximum 4 terms). make sure you are logged-in first because if you are not, they don't let you read the entire article. Good luck with the car, hope you enjoy it.