JCNA publications is now taking orders for the E-Type IPL (Interim parts list) and service manual for the very first 3.8 L E types. Published by Jaguar Cars NA in April 1961 this parts catalog preceeds the Factory offering by months. This is a faithful copy of perhaps the rarest manual in all Jaguardom. It is the only copy I have seen and makes other publications such as a "D" Type service manual seem common. This manual will be available in the next week or so at a very reasonable price. Perhaps you ask why such a color was chosen for the cover. I am happy to say that it was not chosen but simply continued from the original. While this copy will be faithfully reprinted in the original foolscap it will be plastic covered and spiral bound. The service portion of the manual is sparce and mostly refers dealers to the XK150"S" and MK2 manuals for understanding of certain functions. This manual covers some of the first 500 cars but is more selective as there are no VIN breaks noted. It perhaps represents the first 100 cars or so. If there are any further questions please ask.