I recently found an old handbook for the XK 120 which I thought was interesting. When I researched the handbook, I couldn't find another like it anywhere. It appears to be original from 1951. It is the Operating, Maintenance and
Service Handbook for the 3 1/2 Litre XK 120 and Fixed Head Coupe Model. The book is blue with a green label and contains some other interesting material. There is a service voucher, guarantee certificate, and two small pamphlets for oil filter service and tire rotations. Inside the front cover is an addendum on air conditioner equipment. There is also a black and white photo of the previous owners super sports model parked in front of an old repair shop. If anyone could give me any information on this handbook or would be interested in purchasing this material for your XK, please contact me through the forum or at dogstar23523atyahoo.com. Thanks for your help....Randy