Hi Tyson:

Thanks, for responding. I think the learning curve is a little steeper for these particular cars due to their rarity and age. Any help would be appreciated on figuring out how to price these things. I have had some really helpful responses from a couple of other Jag members.

Here are the types of things I am focusing on. The Hagerty online valuation tool will give general valuation but I do not know how accurate it . A fellow I was in contact with about that valuation tool suggested that prices for this car are spiking lately as reflected in the Hagerty valuation graph and creating a bubble thus a fair segment of potential buyers are reluctant to give too much credence to that source. I have learned that rust can be a large variable as these cars are, reportedly, prone to rust. In my particular case, my mechanic and I have been through and under the car a number of times in the past couple years and have not noticed any rust on the body (inside or outside). Other considerations are the far flung nature of the pool of potential buyers (it is not easy to have someone come look at the car). Like anyone, I want a reasonable price but don't want to give it away, any help you could give on figuring a mid range price that is likely to move the car would be appreciated. My number is 425-891-3529 (pacific time). Call me anytime during the day. Thanks, Pete