I have noticed while toping of my coolant that it was leaking out behind the front driver side behind the wheel well. What is behind there? I can't see the source, but it appears to run between the body in front of the DSD. Any ideas?
Thank you,
Robert V.

1991 XJS Convertible Classic 5.3

Submitted by robert@varnam.com on Sun, 09/26/2004 - 01:23

I pulled the tank out and replaced the top hose, then reparied the seal on the side that leads to the drain line which was blocked, cleaned it up. Put it all back together. Thanks for the imput.

1991 XJS Convertible Classic 5.3

Submitted by silver007@shaw.ca on Sat, 09/25/2004 - 22:05

Hi Guy's,
If coolant is leaking outside the car from the area just ahead of the driver door / lower area /left front fender next to door at the bottom. This indicates to me that the coolant recovery tank it full. These tanks fill up and are too far away (it appears) to suck the coolant back to the engine when it cools down.
Please note it is my opinion that all engines should have their thermostats replaced with "FAIL SAFE THERMOSTATS" these units can only fail in the fully open position, thereby eliminating overheating because the other type fail in the closed position. Art
Art Dickenson.
1983 XJS GT \"Silver\""