Fun stuff.
I was about last on the list (Driven Class) with my oddball MK2.

After the judging, one of the judges came up and wanted to talk about my oddity.
Nice Canadian bloke, seems he had some input into the Canadian addition to the Judging Guide for MK2's with the JCNA.

We went over the differences (most of which he was NOT aware of), and he was amazed.

We talked about (aboot?) the boot lid tags.
I had my J.33 Parts Manual for the 2.4L with me.
I could see him looking at the reflection of the boot lid surface, looking for evidence of the filled holes.

Since judging was over, and he was now a "normal" member, I opened the boot, in he got looked at the back side, stuck his head out from under, and said, with high incredulity, "There are no holes!".

We went over single exhaust, the Brake Reservoir mount (there was a RHD "S" type next to me, exact same reservoir mount), the 2-piece intake, the black oil bath air cleaner, the lack of paint on any Nave Plates in the entire concours.....

He seemed to like the flat metal Fan Shield in lieu of "cast gray fiber glass fan shroud" which is correct for a 2.4L.

Well, got home, started putting the rebuilt correct Solexes and lines on, just got it dialed in, gonna go drive it.......

I might have to do this again......