Would like to have tires better than 185/15. Would need Wire rims
with less back spacing, which I doubt is available. I think alloy
rims would be available for special order. Has anyone who likes to
road race (a little bit) have any suggestions?

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Wed, 11/03/2010 - 08:06

Dale you are plowing a lot of ground that has been plowed well before. Jaguar offered wider wheels for racing and they are still available--call SNG Barratt for a catalog. There will be trade offs but with about a half a million miles under my personal belt in E types (a lot in Europs -mostly Germany) I can tell you that the 185-15 are more than enough tire for the average and above average driver. Wider wheels are necessary when you increase the horsepower and are involved in serious off road racing. Wes alloy wheels are available also--try same vendor.