I've just sold my SII OTS and was cleaning up some computer files when I came across some spreadsheets I put togehter on hot wires, A/C wires, relays, a parts # spreadsheet, and some dash subharnesses. For example one lists all the wires that are hot with no key, another the Jag and Lucas part #'s for all the relays, etc. If anyone wants a copy via email just send me an email request at jkleinatgpworldwide.com. Might come in handy and keeps you from having to duplicate my work.

BTW, no claims of accuracy or model specific application (mine was a 1969 Dec. build SII OTS) but everyhting on the car worked and it never burnt up!

Jeff Klein
1970 OTS, BRG

Submitted by jklein@genphys… on Wed, 12/01/2004 - 08:12

As an added note, several people have asked for the "wiring diagrams". What I have now is excel files with misc. data that i have not found spelled out anyhwere else. If people would like, I can scan any of several wiring diagrams that I have for the car and make those available, once I make sure they aren't copyrighted.


Jeff Klein
1970 OTS, BRG