This small fitment exits at the bottom of the A/C "radiator" leading to the Receiver/Dryer Assembly. The pipe takes a 90 degree turn about an inch after it leaves the Radiator. I ruined the copper pipe trying to take a "twist" out of it (see pic) and am looking for any ideas on how to replace the whole part.
If it's no longer available, since only the copper tube is ruined, might it be possible to unsolder the male fitment, re-flare the other end of a new, short copper pipe, bend it 90 degrees, install both the male and female fitments, then re-solder the male? Is so, any thoughts on who might do this type of work?
Complimenting this issue is the fact that the A/C doesn't work ... electrically it works but no cooling... and it might be time to replace this with a stronger system that uses conventional freon. I don't know if a replacement system involves replacing just the compressor and dryer, (and maybe the radiator?), and if the part I broke would have to be made for a new system.
Thanks in advance.

Submitted by on Fri, 05/29/2015 - 14:58

Though it sounds like this is not likely a piecemeal project as you put it - could a radiator shop do this for you? There are places that specialize in classic radiators out there. I'm going to have to remember this thread...want to get around to my A/C one day in the near-ish future.