I am looking for a high end, well equipped, honest and knowledgable shop within 400 miles of New Orleans whose technicians have been factory trained and experienced on XJS V12 6 liter cars. I can't find anyone in the New Orleans who fits this bill. I love my car but it needs a few things repaired or explained.
Robert Purves

Submitted by bradpurvis@mac.com on Tue, 09/02/2014 - 11:15


Our family name was originally spelled with an "E" as well. It changed a couple of generations ago. Originally from Scotland, John Purves came to S.C. in 1765. I'm a direct descendent of his.

Sorry about hi-jacking the thread. I just thought I'd ask as you don't see that spelling too often. Cheers.

Submitted by rdpur2@gmail.com on Mon, 09/01/2014 - 08:57

The email address you gave me for Mike (jagv12atgmail.com) will not go through So far I have. Not been able to. Make any connection through the Houston Jag Club.
Will try again. Tomorrow.

Submitted by alan.barc@veri… on Fri, 08/29/2014 - 08:40

Robert - I don't have Mike's phone # but his e-mail is jagv12atgmail.com. The only older Jag service folks I know of In Houston are MotorCars Ltd

Submitted by alan.barc@veri… on Wed, 08/27/2014 - 11:30

Robert - I suggest you contact Mike Cook of the Houston Jag Club (info via the JCNA web site). He should be able to help. We have 3 really good Jag mechanics here in Dallas but a little further from you