Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 12/07/2001 - 17:00

Art Dickenson writes: My Position Statement.

: I believe I have a very good rapport with many of the current JCNA

: executives , I believe much more is achieved by a logical group

: discussion, than simply by brow beating people, and having little

: regard for other peoples concerns and feelings other than your own.

: If I am elected as Regional Director I will endeavour to contribute

: an attitude that I feel is needed to promote our region, as a less

: agressive and a more constructive arena.

I'm at somewhat of a loss at how to respond to this paragraph. If it is being implied that I (as your opponent) do not favor logical group discussions, I take STRONG EXCEPTION to that statement and ask you to retract it. The objective record does not support such an assertion.

As for your rapport with JCNA executives, it is a point well taken. To it, I can only note that I have had an unbroken positive record in dealings of this sort in the past and that I see no reason that should change if I am elected. Should I happen to be elected, the BoD will find that I bring facts along to add substance to discussions of mutual interest. Call it a blessing or curse of being an engineer, but I believe looking at evidence leads to better and less argumentative policymaking.

As for the "brow beating" comment, it seems inappropriate to either of our current NW Regional Directors so far as I know. I certainly have never been brow beaten by either of them, though Bruce MacCormack came close to it at times as we worked on JCNACC together. If I am guilty of "brow beating" people myself, please provide specifics - I am constantly seeking to improve my own character. If it applies to no one in the NW Region, why bring it into the discussion?

As for the "contribute an attitude that I feel is needed to promote our region." I think we are agreed on that point. To it, and I'm sure you'll agree, I'd add "and to promote the growth of Jaguar enthusiasm generally across North America." Hmm, matter of fact, that's MY OWN two emphases - about the members and about the cars!