Now that the Competition season is well underway, scores are starting to come in and have been posted on the site along with up to date North American standings for Concours, Slalom and Rally.

Some clubs have been using the new Online Scoring System which allows provisional results to be displayed right away. Others still report manually to the official scorekeepers who have been forwarding them to me for entry. That's fine but the new system is really easy to use and much faster than handwriting or typing everything in a spreadsheet. Please try it !

Because provisional results and standings are now available immediately after they are entered, it is really important that all clubs speed up their reporting and enter their scores ASAP. The sooner the better. Last year, the standing section was one of the most visited on the site and it will be even more so this year as we also offer Rallies and Slalom standings... many members like to see where they stand, let's make it as live as we can !

On a related note, JCNA numbers are critical to standing calculations and we really need all clubs to include them. In case of new members, especially for events membership, don't forget to send those in to Nelson Rath asap. Entrants without a JCNA number will not be included in the standings !

And regarding event memberships, there are a number of entrants who are listed in results but have not paid the event membership. Event members are not elligible for NA award but it doesn't seem fair that those who don't even pay the $ 10 are listed in results ahead of legitimate JCNA members. It seems that if no membership has been received within a reasonable time frame, 2 or 3 weeks ?, those entrants should be moved to display class or removed since they should not even have been allowed on the field according to Concours Rules.

comments ?
