Good Day All;
Just a quick question. I once had an 89 XJS Convertible (Lucas).
The V12 dropped a valve (twice).Needless to say, soon owned
a "Vette". But again I am looking at XJS's. Common sense tells me
to go with the "6"...but I was wondering...were the (say) 94 V12'a
better and more dependable than my old 89?. Did they still drop
those valves?
Thank you for your replies
Fred from Columbia City, Or matter where you go...there you are...

Submitted by bonnettoboot@e… on Tue, 07/11/2006 - 13:58

They dropped valve seats, and almost always on the left Head because the cars overheated badly either because the electric fan stopped working or the thermostat on that side didn't open, good service will prevent both issues. BUT, When buying a used car who knows if it hasn't allready overheated, That's why service records are so important! Jaguar affectionado and etc.