Greetings all,

At the Fall JCNA Director's meeting, the board voted to create a special award as a lasting tribute to Karen Miller for her contribution to the growth of the JCNA. Her particular area of expertise was writing, as evidenced by her title as Associate Editor of the Jaguar Journal, and her writing for other publications around the world.
She and Mike Cook developed the concept of annual awards to deserving affiliate newsletters, in competition. Based on that, the JCNA will now annually present the Karen Miller Award to the winning newsletter and its editor.
Below is the text of the letter announcing our intent to her husband Ed Miller:

Dear Ed,

At the fall JCNA director's meeting in California, we discussed Karen's many contributions to Jaguar Cars, VSCCA, and the JCNA.

Although Mike Cook certainly gave Karen a well deserved tribute with the articles published in the Jaguar Journal, the JCNA decided to make a lasting tribute to her as well. Her involvement with the Jaguar Journal and affiliate newsletters, has led us to select the winner of the annual newsletter competition which she conceived, to be the recipient of the Karen Miller Newsletter Award.

Currently, the award to be presented at the 2004 AGM on the Queen Mary, is being prepared by Mike Cook, Barbara Grayson, and Judy Ferring. After its first presentation, we intend to premanently post a photo of the award and text explaining its background, on the JCNA's website. It is hoped that you will consider this a fitting tribute to her memory.

We JCNA Diredtors extend our best wishes to you in 2004.


Gary Hagopian

JCNA President