First: If you subscribe to multiple sites on the JCNA Forum, you will get multiple copies of this. You can delete the rest.

If you think you are eligible to receive an award, it is YOUR responsibility to submit a request to receive the award. If you DO NOT check your standings, the JCNA Awards Committee will NOT check your standings for you, and you may not receive your award.

If you attended two competitions in your region, concours, slalom, or rally, you may be eligible for a competition award.

If you attended three or more competitions, whether all in your region or in your region and elsewhere, including the Challenge Championship or Western States, depending which year it is, you may be eligible for a competition award.

Note: Slalom and Rally scores are just now being finalized and should be completed soon.

Another Note: If you are going to be an AGM delegate, please go to the AGM page and fill out both the AGM Registration form and the Delegate/Proxy Form. They contain different information and we need both forms.

Once you submit your Competition Form, you should get a confirmation email back from Steve Kennedy within a day or two. It is not an automated response, so please be patient. If you have already submitted your form and have not heard back from me, please send me an email,, because I think I am caught up right now.

Finally, Here is a brief overview of how to check your standings.

To check to see if you are eligible to receive an award, Go to At the Home Page, click on STANDINGS. On the right side of the page, click on the COMPETITION heading you are checking the results in. Click on VIEW CURRENT NORTH AMERICAN STANDINGS. Click on the standings you want to check on, Concours, Rally or Slalom.

As it says in red text, IF YOU ARE ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE A COMPETITION AWARD, PLEASE CLICK ON YOUR SCORE. A list of all of your scores for the current season are displayed. When the COMPETITION AWARD CONFIRMATION page is displayed, fill out all the information, then click the SUBMIT button.

Note: You may print the Confirmation Page for your records after clicking on the SUBMIT button. IF you plan to attend the AGM and want your award presented to you at the AGM, be sure to check the box above your name.

BE SURE TO PUT YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN, it does not automatically include it with the email.

If you need more detailed help, please contact Steve Kennedy, For those of you who know a fellow club member who do not have access to a computer, please check their score and fill the form out for them. Please put your email address in so I can send the information back for confirmation.

Again, the JCNA Awards Committee will NOT check your standings for you. If you do not claim your award for this year, it is simply put back in inventory.

Steve Kennedy, JCNA Secretary,