Hello, back again, I was just browzing the forum when I came across the post dealing with the wrecked Mark IX, though presently I have enough to deal with & as mentioned in other post fully intend to bring a Jaguar with me the thought of building a Jaguar Special based round one of these machines is interesting & purely for future consideration I'd be interested to know of any Mk VII VIII IX Jaguar in simlar condition to this one.
As long as the chassis was straight & everything was still atached [as per the Mk IX in question] & the vehicle was cheap I'd consider it, I'm a competant amauter mechanic panel beater with a number of re builds
[Jaguar - Rovers - Corvette - etc] behind me so the work involved dosent worry me that much.
Ok if anyone wishes to discuss Jag Specials & How an Australian goes bout importing a Jaguar I can be contacted via above e-mail, hope to talk to someone soon Peter C Trevanna.