There are great photo's and narrative
of Jaguar's racing history on, click
on auto's and wait for article to appear this
morning. 8-31-2011 8:58am

Submitted by on Thu, 09/08/2011 - 12:09

would you believe Silvers new race clutch would not let me get into 1st gear at Portland..........onto the field, but on track the pedal was too far down to stop everything spinning........ 700 miles for no turning the tyres in anger...........Chase however took out the X Type of mine and turned a 41.8 secs.........I went out after him but the tyres and track were too hot..... I checked the tyre pressure after 3 runs and it pinned the needle at 75 lbs..... I almost burnt my hand trying to get the high pressures out.......... the heat from the brakes was immense , so Chase has cleaned up in the X Type for sure...........OMG, beat by a kid........ well I have been schooling him for 8 1/2 years now.........LOL..........Earlier this year I was beat by Dick, now Chase........who is next.......A great weekend however with very hot temps.. Silvers new slicks and uprated suspension were looking at close to 37 for sure... damm clutch...... LOLfor year.....Our crew now is trained ...............

Submitted by on Wed, 08/31/2011 - 12:26

I did not see this in Canada......however this weekend in Portland Oregon, 1,000 approx cars will be on display, and a full vintage grid will race for four days ,Friday, Sat, Sun and Monday......ABFM entrants are eligible to race the Giant Slalom right on track @ PIR... Sat and Sun.. JCNA people have their own sanctioned events for Sunday and Monday........With warmer temperatures usually helping adhesion, fast times are usually achieved on this track...... Occasionally rercords are set at this event.......Quite a few Jag attend the slaloms and people get to see how fast the newer cars really are.......esp the R models.....the trick to fastest times is throttle modulation and good tyres............see you there.....Art......