...but the Cat in the E...

Meet Kasha, a 4 year old Florida PAnther, brought to our concours by the CARE foundation, a central Florida group who rescue abused or distressed wild animals. They also brought a Panther and were able to raise some much needed funds. They are being evicted from their current location and are trying to build a much larger facility for these magnificient animals

Please visit their site below, interesting facts on various cats including a Jaguar ( was too wild to be brought to the show...)

There are many other pictures at http://www.southfloridajaguarclub.org/events/2002conc.htm
they are not sorted yet so just click on the Next link...

Pascal Gademer
72 E-type 2+2
00 XKRCoupe
99 XJR

Submitted by pascal@jcna.com on Thu, 11/14/2002 - 10:38

Yes... not easy to shoot, those cats really are not easy to control... I wanted to have him walked around the field to pose in front of cars and then make the owners buy the prints as a fundraiser for the foundation but he doesn't like to walk in the sun... and got scared at the sight of a baby stroller 20 feet away !

Ginger might have some better pictures...

here is another one...: a wild cat in catwoman's cat ...

our concours page has a nice shot of the panther starring right at the camera...

Pascal Gademer
72 E-type 2+2
00 XKRCoupe
99 XJR