Hi All;

New member here. Have inherited a 1965 Series-1 E-type. The car has been sitting in a barn for years, and the keys have been long lost. I pulled the Lucas ignition switch, charged the batt, put in fresh gas and oil, and hot-wired it, and it started right up! The problem is I need to either find a key blank and have some keys made, or replace the tumbler. Brought the cylinder to a local locksmith, and he had no suitable key blank for the cylinder. I looked on Ebay and saw a new Lucas tumbler w. two keys (item # 110116117366). I figure this is the easiest way to go, but I can not remove the old tumbler assembly from the ignition cylinder. There is a hole in the back of the cylinder, and I ASSuME I must push a button inside to remove it, but am having no luck. The number stamped on the cylinder is: 31899B4570. Can anyone help? Thanks; Don

Submitted by hornbrod@yahoo.com on Sat, 04/21/2007 - 18:47

Thanks for the reply Michael. The problem is that I have no keys, and do not know the key code. There were three or four codes used on the E-types in 1965 (according to everything I have read), so I do not know the correct blank to order. However I will contact the reference you provided and see if he can help.