Hi Jaguar Folks,

My Dad passed away recently so now my brother and I are the owners of a 1955 XK140 convertible. My Dad was a car enthusiast in his early years and owned many interesting cars, but this Jag was special to him. It hasn't run since 1967 but he carried it around with him from place to place, always intending to get it back on the road. That never happened, and now Dad's gone and my brother and I need to figure out what to do.

For starters, I'd like to find out two numbers: what it's worth as-is, and what it would cost to get back on the road. I'm pretty sure the answer to the second question is "more than we can afford" but maybe we'll be surprised.

Your recommendations of a Boston-area appraiser with experience with this era Jaguars would be much appreciated. I couldn't find a sponsor list on this site and the list on the JANE site was mostly CT and western MA.

Thanks in advance for your help, sorry if this is off-topic or a FAQ.

Toby Cabot